OKEANOS is the institute of Marine Science of the University of the Azores, a public higher education institution located in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Using its mid-Atlantic strategic position, OKEANOS conducts leading research and education to advance the understanding of the deep-sea and the open ocean, promoting the sustainable blue economy and management of marine ecosystems for the benefit of the society and the environment. OKEANOS members created a global network with over 280 active collaborations from 180 research institutions and are players in several international organizations (e.g., CBD, OSPAR, ICCAT, ICES), networks (Ocean Tracking Network, InterRidge, DOSI, INDEEP, CHESS), and review panels and expert groups. OKEANOS is highly involved in outreach activities to the general public, schools, young students and local industries.


Dr Gui Menezes (M), the director of the OKEANOS, REMORA’s correspondent

Dr Filipe Porteiro (M), OKEANOS Subdirector, REMORA’s correspondent

Sandra Silva (W), Técnica Superior, REMORA’s correspondent

Dr Ana Colaço (W), Dr Eva Giacomello (W), Dr. Ricardo Santos (M), senior researchers

Diana Catarino (W), junior researcher

Website: https://www.okeanos.uac.pt

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