Strategically positioned for Global Impact
Through REMORA - 3 Ocean research centers from the Outermost regions enhance their Excellence & Competitiveness and become Horizon Europe champions. Do you want to be part of this Path to Synergies ? Discover this ecosystem to improve your institution, strategy and network
OKEANOS uses its mid-Atlantic strategic position to conduct leading research and education to advance the understanding of the deep-sea and the open ocean, promoting a sustainable blue economy for the benefit of society and the environment
OOM is a R&I center led by ARDITI dedicated to research and permanent monitoring of the Ocean, which provides the region with marine resources evaluation, management and adequate means for its sustainable development.
CITEB develops R&I projects in biotechnologies and aquaculture, sustainable fisheries and risks/impacts assessment. It offers expertise for public and private agencies and fosters new business opportunities for Blue Economy.