Coordinator : ARDITI is the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology, and Innovation, located in Madeira (PT). It is an institution open to society, of an interdisciplinary nature, and focused on developing research and innovative solutions in the domains of the Ocean, Technology, and Health. Founded by the Regional Government of Madeira, the University of Madeira, and Madeiran R&I companies, ARDITI aims to support research activities, experimental development, technological dissemination, professional training, and technical scientific information. Its R&I activities aim to contribute to the modernization and development of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The Oceanic Observatory of Madeira - OOM is a R&I center led by ARDITI. Launched in January 2014, OOM gathers 15 regional partners, operating in the common field of Ocean Sciences and Blue Economy. OOM is dedicated to research and permanent monitoring of the Ocean, which aims at providing the region with marine resources evaluation and management and adequate means for its sustainable development. To do so, OOM develops consolidated historical data, observations, and forecasts in a common platform, and will soon provide a global ocean observing system able to deliver ocean forecasts and early warnings, climate projections, and assessments, contributing to monitoring and protect the ocean health, creating a Madeira Digital Ocean space.
Dr. Rui Caldeira (M), president of ARDITI and OOM
Lúcio Quintal (M), MSc, Senior project manager, REMORA project coordinator
Catia Jardim (W), MSc, Projects Office, REMORA financial manager
Dr. Carlos Lucas (M), Post-doc working for the Operational Centre of OOM
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